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Writer's pictureAlan Scott

Preview: Hercules & She-Hulk

You can find the original link to the WizKids Heroclix website HERE!

This time WizKids has revealed two powerhouses, one from each side of the aisle. Anti-Registration power house Hercules looks to bring a fair fight to Captain America's team as his "Fair" Greco-Roman Wrestling trait will automatically KO an object an adjacent opposing character might be holding if he moves adjacent to them. This gives him the leg up in a one-on-one fight as Hercules himself has Super Strength as part of that same trait! With a starting 18 defense he should be tough to take down, so watch for opposing Perplex or Outwit when using this beast and he'll do plenty of damage before getting KO'd.

The next powerhouse for the Pro-Registration side is She-Hulk, and first thing you'll notice is her Improved Movement: Destroys Blocking Terrain. This gives her the potential to get the first hit in a map that has plenty of walls, so keep that in mind if she is on your team and choose an appropriate map for her. She-Hulk also has a trait that allows her to use Super Strength, and don't let your opponent fool you into thinking Hercules always one-ups She-Hulk by KO'ing her object. In fact Hercules is the one that has to move adjacent to her in order for his trait to trigger and KO her object. That means She-Hulk can in fact Charge through a wall and get the first strike on Hercules with an object attack. Have a character with Perplex to bring up her attack or someone with Probability Control to ensure she hits against Hercules' 18 starting defense.

That's it for this preview, and let's hope that WizKids keeps spoiling us by revealing more figures! More content should be springing up consistently again, so keep an eye out for that and feel free to comment or leave feedback on anything I may have missed. Thanks for reading!

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