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Writer's pictureAlan Scott

Oh No She(-Thing) Didn't!

She-Thing Front Card Heroclix Fantastic Four
She-Thing Front Card
She-Thing Front Card Heroclix Fantastic Four
She-Thing Back Card

Okay, my title is terrible, but imagine a comedy-style wrestling show featuring She-Thing and someone’s catchphrase is “Oh no She(-Thing) didn't” every time She-Thing gets sassy with someone. I’d buy that for a dollar! Ms. Marvel, or She-Thing as she’s better

known, was last made during the Secret Invasion set in 2008 12 years ago! Where does the time go? It’s been a minute to say the least, so I’m glad to see her being remade in today’s unofficial Casual Clixin preview.

Team Role

She-Thing is a very straightforward character. She’s a small bruiser who can take a hit

if needed. At 40 points you’re not losing much if she takes a big hit. Better her than a bigger, more powerful attacker. Her 2 starting clicks of 18 defense should give some attackers trouble though, so she’s definitely a good candidate to tank some damage off your weaker, more vulnerable characters too. Her zero range doesn’t give much options anyway, so get her close to clobber someone and take a heavy object with you if possible.

Clix Combos

Hear me out. In 2008 WizKids released a DC Heroclix set called Crisis, and it had one of my favorite feat cards “Maneuver”.

Heroclix Feat Card Crisis DC Heroclix
"Maneuver" Heroclix Crisis Feat Card

Look familiar? (Hint, look at She Thing’s trait) When I saw that She-Thing had “Maneuver” built in I naturally had to pick her as the (un)official preview for CasualClixin! This card always caught my opponents off guard because it’s a very unassuming ability. So how can you create combos with it? Easy. Attack with She-Thing and pull your enemies out of hindering terrain so they no longer get the +1 defense boost and possibly lose Stealth to put them in line of fire to your sniper, or place them within your main attacker’s Charge range, or place them so they no longer get Defend, place them so they lose their Sinister Syndicate team ability benefits, etc. The possibilities are endless. Placement is a huge part of strategy in Heroclix, so don’t sleep on her trait “Unlimited Class Wrestling”. This trait can go a long way towards helping other characters that lack or have short range too as she can get them closer to your forces. This trait combos well with almost anything.

She-Thing Fantastic Four Heroclix
She-Thing from Secret Invasion

She-Thing Heroclix Dial Fantastic Four
Dial courtesy of HCRealms

Comparing Clix

The Secret Invasion version technically has a longer dial, but in reality only the 2nd half of her dial is useful nowadays. She used to be a great Mastermind damage sponge (or rock or whatever she is) with Taskmaster from the older Xplosion Heroclix set.

Taskmaster Xplosion Heroclix
Taskmaster from Xplosion
Taskmaster Dial Xplosion Heroclix
Dial courtesy of HCRealms

I used to love knocking her down to her last 3 clicks and unleash her on an unsuspecting opponent, but I digress. The new 40 point version may not be as effective a damage absorber, but for 10 less points she is a much more formidable attacker throughout her dial. I would like to have seen some Close Combat Expert on the new version’s dial, she is a professional wrestler after all, but I’m not going to complain (much) as she’s a bargain bruiser for 40 points. Oh, and she loses the Frightful Four keyword that the old one had. Shame, but she keeps the Fantastic Four team ability.

Final Verdict

Be honest, did you just skip to the rating? Here are my takeaways. Cheap point cost. Fantastic Four team ability. Amazing trait for a bruiser like her. 3 damage throughout her dial with possible increase thanks to Super Strength. Her downsides? Zero range, only 1 named keyword. Great bruiser for 40 points, possibly the best one out right now?

Casual Clixin Rating: 5/5

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