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Writer's pictureAlan Scott

Lady Liberators vs Femizons

This most recent showdown features two teams with a similar theme in that the members are all women. This battle for supremacy was set when my opponent wanted to play an all-female team. I presented both teams and I chose the Femizons since they looked to be the weaker team, and I'm always up for a challenge.

Lady Liberators

75 UXM055 Scarlet Witch

90 NFAOS055 Spider-Woman

130 AOU023 She-Hulk

295 Total


50 UXM009 Arclight

55 UXM046 Vertigo

85 AOU007Yellowjacket

105 FI008 Titania

295 Total

I lost the roll and the map chosen was the Secret Invasion Crash Site map.

The Lady Liberators advanced closely together and She-Hulk hid behind the tank blocking terrain in the middle of the map. The Femizons advanced and positioned Titania to get a Perplex boost the following turn to be able to Charge She-Hulk.

The Lady Liberators cleared since they had no moves to make. Titania got her boost and used Charge and got a +2 attack boost thanks to her "Prove I'm the Strongest Woman (Or Man) There Is" Trait. I needed a 5 to hit with an ultra heavy object but rolled a 4 instead. I had thought about moving Arclight carrying a tiny-sized Yellowjacket for a theme team Probability Control, but reconsidered when I decided it wasn't necessary since I only needed a 5. After I missed a crucial attack I sent Arclight to tie-up She-Hulk too while keeping Yellowjacket safe behind her. Vertigo slowly crept up with her Sidestep.

The Lady Liberators saw She-Hulk with her own ultra-heavy object and missing her attack as well, but Scarlet Witch was able to turn things around using her Probability Control to make sure She-Hulk's attack connected and she followed it up with a second attack thanks to Flurry knocking out Titania. Scarlet Witch and Spider-Woman both missed their attacks against Arclight.

Back to the Femizons Arclight pushed to use Close Combat Expert with +2 damage and connected against She-Hulk. Vertigo used Incapacitate on Spider-Woman only since she couldn't see Scarlet Witch and hit giving her a token, pushing Spider-Woman for 1 damage, and gave her -2 defense thanks to Vertigo's "Getting Dizzy? Want To Lie Down?" special power. This made it really easy for Yellowjacket to hit her for 2 more.

She-Hulk had Willpower and Flurry so my opponent took the opportunity to knock out Arclight while Scarlet Witch and Spider-Woman cleared. At this point it was pretty much over, and I was not able to mount much of an offense against the Lady Liberators. I managed to get a few more hits on Spider-Woman and She-Hulk, but was unable to knock them out.

Lessons Learned

*The Femizons are tough to play as their options are really limited, and while the Lady Liberators aren't that much better they at least have better characters on their roster.

*Even if Titania had connected with that first attack She-Hulk would have still made short work of her. She would have landed on Outwit with Super Strength and Flurry which would have resulted in a KO'd Titania anyway. Assuming this happened Arclight might have still struggled to take She-Hulk out, so this was still going to be an uphill battle for me.

*Spider-Woman and Scarlet Witch starting with Precision Strike was too much for the Femizons. This made Yellowjacket's and Vertigo's Super Senses useless once the Witch began targeting them.

*I'd recommend playing the Lady Liberators team, and if you're looking to make some minor changes I'd swap out She-Hulk for Tigra from Chaos War and Hellcat from Avengers Assemble. This gives you two more attackers, and since they both have Blades/Claws/Fangs it kind of acts like a She-Hulk carrying an ultra heavy object if they can hit those high rolls. Plus Hellcat also adds the Mystics team ability for Spider-Woman to copy.

Next week I have an interesting Head to Head based off X-Men: Apocalypse. I held off on featuring it this week since it does have some spoilers. So go watch the movie I highly recommend it as it was REALLY good, and then I'll post up the next Head to Head featuring the Horsemen of Apocalypse vs the X-Men.

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